We have launched our new membership system. Please refer to the membership page.
Greetings from Yoichi Mine, the New JAHSS President
The 14th JAHSS Annual Conference will be co-organized by the Japan Society for International Development, and will be held on 9-10 November, at the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development, and Hosei University Ichigaya Campus, Tokyo. Please book the date!
Journal of Human Security Studies: January 15 is the next deadline for submission. We look forward to your submission
これまでの学会の二大事業は、学術ジャーナル(Journal of Human Security Studies)の持続的な刊行と、毎年の大会の実施でした。どちらも英語を使っています。初代編集長の梅垣理郎先生、そして現在は関谷雄一先生のリーダーシップのもとで、私たちは年に二回のジャーナルを途切れることなく刊行してきました。さらに、毎年の実行委員長の先生方のご尽力のおかげで、日本各地で多彩なテーマで学術大会を開催しています。こうした蓄積を生かしながら、国際学会としての飛躍を果たしたいと思っています。
峯 陽一
Human Security Revitalized
There has been a flurry of activity regarding human security in recent years. In 2022, the UNDP published a special report entitled New Threats to Human Security in the Anthropocene: Demanding Greater Solidarity, and in the same year, the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development released the first issue of its periodical, Human Security Today (the second issue was published in March 2024). In June 2023, the Japanese Cabinet approved the new Development Cooperation Charter, which made human security the guiding principle of Japan’s development cooperation. In September of the same year, Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio gave a speech at the SDG Summit and the UN General Assembly in New York, emphasizing the importance of human dignity in promoting human security.
In January 2024, then, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres released a report on human security, which described a variety of human security practices around the world and emphasized the significance of promoting human security at the subnational level. In April, a lively debate was held at the UN General Assembly on this report, providing an opportunity for UN member states to recommit to the principle of human security, though some countries remain skeptical.
The COVID-19 pandemic has set back the state of global human development, and the effects of climate change are being felt in every corner of the world. Violent wars continue in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa with heavy civilian casualties, and the rapid digitization of society and the accelerated development of AI are causing human anxiety about the future. In overcoming the divisions in an increasingly polarized world, human security is expected to be a sound guiding principle.
Looking back, I first encountered the concept of human security in 2001 when Professor Mushanokoji Kinhide moved from Ferris University to Chubu University. I assisted Professor Mushanokoji in obtaining competitive research funding from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Open Research Center (ORC) project was eventually launched in 2004. The ORC carried out global research on migration and human security. Since then, I have been continuously working on human security.
In 2007, the Japan Consortium for Human Security Education and Research was established as an alliance of organizations involved in graduate education in human security. Then, in 2011, JAHSS was born with a commemorative lecture given by Ambassador Takasu Yukio, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Human Security. The consortium was able to evolve into an academic society thanks to the development of the “Human Security” Program (HSP) at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, which remains a flagship program for education and research in human security. From its inception to the present day, JAHSS has been led successively by Professor Mushanokoji, Professor Umegaki Michio, Professor Kurusu Kaoru, Professor Dan Yusuke, and Professor Osa Yukie. I served as General Secretary for years and handed over the position to Professo Cross Kyoko.
I want to take this opportunity to write about some of the priorities I would like to address as the President of JAHSS.
First, we would like to renovate JAHSS’s infrastructure. During the pandemic, communication within the JAHSS executive board and the larger membership was physically hindered, and we were unable to discuss practical ways to update the membership management system and website. Based on the foundation laid by Dr. Tsuchiya Yosuke, we will refresh the architecture and stimulate the activities of JAHSS.
The second priority area is to promote research on human security. We would like to attract research funding, both large and small, to revitalize human security studies. JAHSS is expected to serve as a facilitator, and we will encourage every member to be active in securing resources for impactful research. Since there are multiple fields in the studies of human security, I hope that JAHSS members will carry out various autonomous projects.
Third, we will further internationalize our research activities. One of the features of JAHSS is that, unlike most academic associations in the field of social sciences in Japan, we use English as our official language. We would like to make the most of this advantage to accelerate exchanges with overseas researchers and to promote academic publication on a global scale. Taking the opportunity of the growing interest in human security on the multilateral stage described above, we will strengthen our international activities.
The two main projects of JAHSS have been the publication of a scholarly journal (Journal of Human Security Studies) and the organization of annual conferences. Both are conducted in English. Under the leadership of the first Editor-in-Chief, Professor Umegaki Michio, and his successor Professor Sekiya Yuichi, we have managed to publish two issues of the Journal every year. And thanks to the dedication and generosity of successive chairs of organizing committees, we have organized annual conferences on a variety of topics in cities across Japan. On the basis of our past achievements, we hope to make great strides as an evolving academic association.
There are different types of academic associations. In the case of JAHSS, the administrative head has played an essential role. For this term, we have appointed Professor Uchio Taichi of Shizuoka University of Art and Culture as General Secretary of JAHSS. Professor Uchio is an alumnus of the HSP at the University of Tokyo and also served for a long time as General Secretary of the NPO “Human Security” Forum (HSF), which was founded by the faculty and students of the University of Tokyo. His book, Reconstruction and Dignity, which chronicles the reconstruction process of Minamisanriku Town after the devastation caused by the tsunami, is the seminal literature on human security in Japan. He also translated Michael Rosen’s Dignity: Its History and Meaning, a philosophy book that delves into the concept of dignity, an essential component of human security, into Japanese with me in 2021. I have full confidence in Professor Uchio’s day-to-day management of JAHSS.
The JICA Ogata Institute is also conducting research on human security. Professor Muto Ako (the chair of the 2024 conference organizing committee) and I will serve as a bridge between JICA and JAHSS. We look forward to the synergy of research activities.
Inheriting the legacy of Professor Osa, who sustained the life of the JAHSS during the difficult times of the pandemic, I am determined to do my best to keep the association running and expanding. I appreciate your continued support for JAHSS.
April 2024
Mine Yoichi
President, Japan Association for Human Security Studies
Executive Director, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development