2012 Conference at Aichi Unviersity
2012.9.29 (Sat) Open at 13:00
[14:00-17:35] Aichi Universiry-Sponsored Academic Program <Lecture Building, 10th Floor 1004> Digging into the Theoretical Foundations of Human Security: Inter-Civilizational Dialogue to Transcend the Limits of Modern Knowledge
Keynote Lecture:MUSHAKOJI Kinhide, President, JAHSS, Former Vice-Rector of the United Nations University
Discussant 1.ITAGAKI Yuzo, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Discussant 2.KAGAMI Mitsuyuki, Professor of Modern Chinese Studies, Aichi University
Discussant 3.HUNTER, Alan, Professor of Asian Studies, Coventry University
Discussant 4.HOOK, Glenn Dawson, Professor, Director, the National Institute of Japanese Studies The University Of Sheffield
Coordinator:SUZUKI Norio, Professor of Political Philosophy, Aichi University
[17:40-18:10] JAHSS General Meeting <Lecture Building, 10th Floor 1004>
[18:30~] Reception, Buffet-Style <JICA Chubu Cafe Crossroad>
2012.9.30 (Sun) Open at 8:30
Coffee Service (8:30~9:00)
[9:00-13:00] Session 1 <Lecture Building, 10th Floor 1002, 11th Floor 1101 and 1102 > Presentations of Selected Papers [Click Here for Detail]
[13:00-14:30] Lunch / Poster Session <Lecture Building, 10th Floor 1001>
[14:30-16:00] Session 2 <Lecture Building, 10th Floor 1004> The Great East Japan Earthquake and Human Security: Regeneration and Support for a Better Future.
Presentation 1.MIYAIRI Koichi, Professor Emeritus, Aichi University
Presentation 2.KUWANA Megumi, Lecture, Ochanomizu University
Presentation 3.UCHIO Taichi, Secretary-General, Human Security Forum
Coordinator:MINE Yoichi, Secretary-General, JAHSS
[16:15-19:00] Session 3 <Lecture Building , 10th Floor 1004>
Showing and panel discussion on a documentary,“Lonely Swallows: Living as the Children of Migrant Workers”<> Coordinator: OGURA Toshimaru, Professor of Economics, Toyama University