2021 "Online" Annual Conference, NCGM
We are pleased to announce that the website is opened for the 11th Annual Conference of the JAHSS, co-hosted by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, held on October 9-10 (Sat-Sun), 2021. The conference is organized online due to the coronavirus pandemic.
- Deadline of Call for Papers: August 17 (Tue), 2021
Please send abstracts (250 words max.) with necessary information by using the Application Form to the following e-mail addresses by August 17, 2021.
Submit to: jahss.2021[at]gmail.com
* change [at] to @
- Registration Deadline: October 1 (Fri), 2021
We will update all the necessary information regarding the conference by both conference website and JAHSS ML.
We are looking forward to seeing you online in October.